High School Student Registration Fall 2024
High School Student Registration
Student Agreements are now being accepted for the Fall 2024 semester!
REGISTRATION PROCESS: If the only UCCS course(s) for which you are registering during the Fall Semester 2024 is a MathOnline course, then you do NOT need to complete the standard university registration process. All registration and payment processes are done through the MathOnline office. Username and passwords will be distributed to registered students before the semester begins. Any and all questions about enrollment, tuition, etc... should be directed to the MathOnline program, NOT to the UCCS registrar.
Course # | Course Name | Credit Hours | Tuition |
MATH 1350 | Calculus I | 4 | $1,366.00 |
MATH 1360 | Calculus II | 4 | $1,366.00 |
MATH 2350 | Calculus III | 4 | $1,366.00 |
MATH 2150 | Discrete Mathematics | 3 | $1,049.50 |
MATH 3810 | Intro to Probability and Statistics | 3 | $1,049.50 |
High School Student Registration Process
The MathOnline High School Program is designed for mathematically talented high school students who wish to continue their mathematical education at the college level. Why waste valuable time when you could be furthering your education?
Click HERE for more information.
* Registration will be completed in the UCCS online registration system. However, you must first complete the following steps BEFORE you will be allowed to register:
- Secure your Coordinating Math Teacher(CMT)
- Download and complete the MathOnline Student Agreement. This form requires your CMT contact information and signature. Colorado high school students must also download and complete the Dual Enrollment Agreement.
- Fall 2024 MathOnline High School Student Agreement (PDF)
- Colorado Statewide Dual Enrollment Agreement
- Third-Party- General Letter of Authorization (PDF)
(This form is only required if the student's high school/district is paying all or a part of the tuition)
- Return your completed MathOnline HS Student Agreement and Colorado Statewide Dual Enrollment Agreement in one of the following ways:
- By Email: Scan and email documents as a PDF attachment to: lases@uccs.edu
- By Fax: Fax completed documents to (719) 623-0309
- By Mail: University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, LAS Extended Studies ATTN: Brian Glach 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Colorado Springs, CO 80918
- Once your completed paperwork has been received by UCCS, you will then receive by e-mail the instructions to complete your MathOnline registration in the UCCS online registration system. The instructions will include tuition payment information. *Please DO NOT send payment with your student agreement.
- Return your completed MathOnline HS Student Agreement and Colorado Statewide Dual Enrollment Agreement in one of the following ways:
Tuition above includes a $100 Canvas fee.
Students are strongly encouraged to submit their MathOnline Student Agreement no later than the week prior to the start of classes which is August 26th, 2024 (i.e. during the week of August 19-23, 2024). This allows us to ensure that students have all the necessary hardware and software in place for the first day of classes.
WITHDRAWALS & REFUNDS: Enrollment in MathOnline courses is limited, and determined on a first come first serve basis.
Withdrawals may be accomplished within the UCCS online registration system until the Census Date for these courses, September 12th, 2024.
Please refer to the following information when calculating your refund amount: (see UCCS Policy link)
- Withdrawals accomplished before September 12, 2024, 5 pm MT a 100% tuition refund will be issued.
- Withdrawals accomplished after September 12, 2024, 5 pm MT - NO REFUND will be issued.
NOTE: We believe that MathOnline courses effectively provide high-quality, university-level mathematics courses to high school and other students. However, our experience indicates that a number of factors (including a student’s independence in learning, level of motivation, and discipline in study) play important roles in determining a student’s chances for success in these courses. With this in mind, please read Words of Caution prior to completing the registration process.
IMPORTANT: Please note that coursework completed through the MathOnline Program will become a part of the student’s permanent academic record in the University of Colorado's four-campus system.